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November 19 – The Feast of St. Mechtilde

Born in 1241 in what is now Germany, she came from a powerful family of nobles. 

At the age of seven, she was taken by her mother to visit her sister, St. Gertrude, who was a nun at the Cistercian monastery. Afterward, Mechtilde, too, developed a desire to give her life to The Lord. 

Her parents finally conceded when she was seventeen. Noted for her kindness and humility, she eventually became Head Mistress but Mechtilde was also gifted as a musician and became known as the Nightingale of Helfta. 

The entire community took great pleasure in hearing her sing the Divine Praises and other prayers. She shared her many gifts in many ways, including, as choir director. 

Mechtilde was also blessed spiritually and The Lord visited her often. In one vision she was told: “The smallest details of Creation are reflected in The Holy Trinity by means of the humanity of Christ, because it was from the same earth that produced them, that Christ drew His humanity.” 

At one point Mechtilde became very concerned about her hour of death and asked The Blessed Mother to reassure her that she would be with her in her final hours. The Blessed Mother appeared to her: “Yes, I will be, but I wish, for your part, that you will recite three Hail Marys every day, remembering; 

In the first, the Power of The Eternal Father; In the second, the Wisdom received from The Son and; In the third, the Love that has filled The Holy Spirit. 

She died on this day in 1298.

St. Mechtilde, please pray for us. 

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