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November 20 – The Feast of St. Edmund Rich

Born near Oxford, England in 1175 he was the youngest of four children. His father was a wealthy merchant and he was educated first at Abingdon, then at Oxford, and finally at the University of Paris. 

Edmond became a lecturer at both the University of Paris and Oxford, teaching several subjects including mathematics and he also helped introduce the study of Aristotle at Oxford. 

Using the fees he earned at Oxford he helped build the Lady Chapel of St. Peters which is dedicated to The Blessed Mother. After several years of teaching, Edmond felt called to the religious life and was ordained around 1220. 

Not long after he was named Canon of Salisbury Cathedral where he gained a reputation as an outstanding speaker. 

Pope Gregory IX called upon Edmond to preach the Crusade and then, in 1233, he was named Archbishop of Canterbury. 

In this role, Edmond worked for justice, Church discipline, and reform while serving as an advisor to King Henry III. 

However, Edmond admonished the King for his appointment of supporters to key Church positions, and though, initially, the King backed down, ultimately he turned against Edmond. 

In 1240 he resigned his position and returned to France where he became a Cistercian. 

He died in 1246.

St. Edmund Rich, please pray for us. 

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