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October 8 – The Feast of St. Pelagia

Born late in the third century she was an actress in Antioch and a woman of great beauty and wealth. 

One day, she and her entourage passed by the Bishop, St. Nonnus, as he was preaching. The next day she felt called to go hear him again and was so moved by his sermon, about the greatness of Heaven and the great pain in hell, that she decided to convert, and sent her confession to Nonnus on wax tablets, saying that she had become a servant of the devil. 

The Bishop was skeptical and he agreed to see her but only in the presence of other clergy. However, upon talking with her, he was convinced by her sincerity and her testimony, and so he Baptized Pelagia. 

Immediately, she gave Nonnus all of her wealth and possessions, for him to give to the poor, and she became a hermit on Mt. Olivette, dressing in men’s clothing to hide her beauty and true identity. 

She lived just four more years there, spending her time in prayer and austerity. 

St. Pelagia, please pray for us.

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