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September 15 – The Memorial Of Our Lady Of Sorrows

Walking through the Holy Rosary with The Blessed Mother is always an honor, and, an education, in the life of her Son, The Holy Family and so much more but she will also show us that the journey, while filled with beauty and grace, was rarely easy. 

In each of the Joyful mysteries, there is a difficulty, in the fifth The Blessed Mother and St. Joseph search in great pain for their lost son for three days! 

But in the fourth Joyful mystery, The Presentation, Simeon, after telling this Holy young couple so many amazing things about Jesus that only The Lord could have revealed to him, looks at Mary alone and tells her: “And you, yourself a sword will pierce so that the thoughts of many may be laid bare.” 

God has done so much to make it clear. He understands our pain, ultimately giving us His own Son to live, love, teach, suffer, die, rise, and redeem us. 

And, He has also given us The Blessed Mother, who knows our pain, because she has felt her heart pierced with a word so many times, including these seven: 

  1. The prophecy of Simeon
  2. The flight to Egypt
  3. Losing Jesus for three days
  4. Meeting Jesus on the way of The Cross 
  5. The Crucifixion 
  6. Taking Jesus’ body down from The Cross 
  7. Burying her Son 

For all the hurting hearts in the world, Our Lady of Sorrows, please pray for us.

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