Born in Naples in 1603, his father, Felice, died before Joseph was born and the family’s house was seized to pay debts. As a result, Joseph was born in a stable.
When he was still a young boy he became very ill. So, his mother took him to The Shrine of Our Lady of Grace where he was miraculously healed.
As a child, he demonstrated rare spiritual Gifts. When he was eight years old he started to have visions and would go into ecstasy. These visions would continue for the rest of his life.
But, Joseph had a very difficult time learning and was prone to angry outbursts which made it very difficult for him to follow his religious calling.
After failing in his attempt to become a shoemaker, Joseph tried to join the Franciscan order where two of his uncles were priests, but he was rejected.
In 1620 he was accepted as a novice by the Capuchins but they eventually discharged him.
Finally, Joseph’s mother helped him get into the monastery of the Franciscans of Cupertino as an Oblate.
Quickly, he became known for his humility, obedience, penance, and visions, during which Joseph would often levitate.
He worked very hard to become a priest and finally, miraculously, passed the exam but that was not the end of his troubles.
His tendency to levitate, sometimes while saying mass, was thought to be connected to witchcraft.
Over a 14 year period, from 1639 to 1653, he was subjected to three different inquisitions before finally, in 1657, being allowed to return to the conventional friars.
Especially among the poor, Joseph was known for his miracles.
He died on this day in 1663.
St. Joseph Cupertino, please pray for us.