Born in Rome in the mid-6th century, his father was a Roman Senator and, for a time, Prefect of Rome.
Gregory himself, after excelling as a student, followed in his father’s footsteps and rose quickly through the ranks, also becoming Prefect of Rome, when he was just barely 30 years old.
But, Gregory had a deep devotion to The Lord and after five years as Prefect, he left to become, a priest.
His family had a large estate in Sicily. After his father’s death, he founded a monastery there and dedicated it to St. Andrew.
Over time, six monasteries would take shape on that property while Gregory, himself, became a Benedictine Monk.
He also became one of the Pope’s seven Deacons and for six years served in Constantinople as a Papal legate. Then, in 590, Gregory became Pope.
In the first Christian mission to England, he sent 40 monks from his monastery to convert the pagan Anglo-Saxons.
Gregory’s strong leadership was critical to the stability of The Church and The Church, in turn, provided stability at a time when social order everywhere was in rapid decline.
He also wrote extensively, more than any other Pope before him, and along with St. Ambrose, St. Augustine
and St. Jerome, he is considered one of the four key Doctors of The Church.
He died in 604.
St. Gregory the Great, please pray for us.