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August 16 – The Feast of St. Stephan of Hungary

Born near the end of the 10th century, his father was the Chief of the Magyars who migrated into the area around the Danube. 

When he was ten, he and his father were both Baptized and, at twenty, Stephan married Gissella whose father, Henry, was the Emperor at the time. 

Stehan eventually succeeded his father as chief of the Magyars and led an effort to Christianize all of Hungary. 

He instituted a policy of having one Church for every ten towns and collected tithes which were used to support that Church, and its priests. 

At his request, The Pope provided the organizational structure needed to run The Church in Hungary. In return, he asked The Pope to crown him King, which he did. 

Stephan had a great love for his people and was always available to them, especially the poor, but he could be ruthless when he wanted his own way. 

He wrote a beautiful letter to his son, Emmerick, explaining what was needed to be King, focusing on devotion to The Church, and Mercy: 

“My son, be merciful to all who suffer violence keeping always, in your heart, the example of The Lord Who said “I desire Mercy and not sacrifice.” Be patient with everyone, not only the powerful.” 

Sadly, Emmerick died before he could succeed Stephan. And Stephan died on this day in 1038. 

St. Stephan, please pray for us.

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