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August 3 – The Feast of St. Lydia

Born in Thyatira in ancient Greece, she was living in Philippi when Paul and his companions arrived to bring the news of Jesus Christ. 

On the Sabbath, they had gone outside the city gate to the river looking for a good place to speak when they met a group of women, one of whom was Lydia, who was a merchant specializing in fabrics that were purple. 

Lydia already believed and worshiped The Father but the news of Jesus opened her heart. 

In Acts 16, verses 14 and 15, we hear: “A woman named Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth from the city of Thyatira, a believer in God, listened and The Lord opened her heart to pay attention to what The Lord was saying. After she and her whole household were Baptized, she offered us an invitation. “If you consider me a believer, come and stay at my home.” 

Paul and his companions would endure much during their visit, including beatings, imprisonment, and then, once again, freedom, and would return again to Lydia’s house before leaving. 

St. Lydia, please pray for us. 

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