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January 20 – The Feast of St. Pope Fabian

Born into Roman nobility near the start of the third century, Fabian developed a desire to know The Lord, became a Christian, and then a priest. 

After the death of Pope Anteras, Fabian came into Rome from the countryside to help in the selection of the next Pope. 

No one was thinking about Fabian as names were being considered, but during the process, a dove appeared and descended onto Fabian’s head. This was taken as a sign and he was elected the next Pope. 

During his reign, there was a break in the Roman persecution of Christians which allowed Fabian to bring back the bodies of Pope Pontian, and Antipope Hippolytus, both of whom had been exiled to the island of Sardinia where they had died while doing hard labor in the mines. 

He also sent seven Bishops to evangelize in what is now France, Germany, Luxembourg, and Switzerland. 

He helped organize The Church in Rome. But, when Decius became the Roman Emperor the persecution of Christians resumed, and all leading Christians were forced to demonstrate their loyalty to Rome by offering incense to Roman Gods. 

Fabian was one of the first Christians ordered to do this and, when he refused, he was arrested. 

He died in a Roman prison on this day in 250. 

St. Pope Fabian, please pray for us. 

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