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January 24 – The Feast of St. Francis De Sales

Born in 1567 into a noble family in Switzerland, he was the oldest of six sons and from an early age had a desire to serve The Lord. 

However, his father wanted him to follow in his footsteps and go into politics. Francis earned a Doctorate in Law and Theology by the time he was just twenty-four. He also prayed constantly while keeping his devotion to himself. 

But The Lord had a way of making His call to Francis very clear. 

One day, Francis fell from his horse three times. Each time, his sword and scabbard dropped to the ground in the shape of a cross. 

Finally, his father gave Francis his blessing, and he began his journey to become a priest. He was ordained in 1593. 

It was the time of the Protestant Reformation, and Francis lived near Calvinist territory. He began an expedition to bring them back to The Catholic Church, traveling the countryside in bitter cold temperatures, writing pamphlets to explain true Catholic Doctrine, then slipping them under doors. 

In just three years, Francis brought some 40 thousand people back into The Church. 

In 1604, Francis was made Bishop of Geneva. Then, he met Jane De Chantal, and, together, they helped form The Order of The Visitation. 

In 1608, he wrote: An Introduction to The Devout Life for Lay People, advising those busy in the world to,“Enter into the solitude of your own heart. By turning your eyes to God in meditation, your whole soul will be filled with God. Begin all your prayers, in the presence of God.” 

Francis believed the truest test of prayer was a person’s actions, and that the worst sin was to judge someone or gossip about them. 

He died in 1622 after giving a Nun one last word of advice: Humility. 

He is the Patron Saint of Journalists. 

St. Francis De Sales, please pray for us. 

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