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January 30 – The Feast of St. Martina

Born in Rome in the beginning of the 3rd century, Martina lost both of her parents when she was still a child. 

Her father had been a Chief Roman Magistrate, and though orphaned, Martina grew up with all of the comforts of Roman society. 

However, she converted to Christianity and this was a dangerous thing to do, because it was during the persecution of the Roman Emperor Alexander Serverus. 

Martina was not shy in openly testifying about her faith in Jesus and, as a result, she was arrested. 

When Martina refused to deny her faith, she was scourged and thrown into the Amphitheater to be attacked by wild beasts but they did not touch her. 

Then, they tried burning Martina alive, the flames did not harm her. 

Finally, Martina was beheaded. Her faith had been so strong some of her torturers were converted, and they too were beheaded. 

She died in the year 228.

St. Martina, please pray for us. 

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