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January 8 – The Feast of St. Thorfinn

Born in Norway in the 13th century, the details of his life would have been completely lost were it not for a church renovation which uncovered his tomb 50 years after his death. 

When this happened the Abbott asked elderly priest, Father Walter, if he remembered anything about Thorfinn and he did, providing great insight to the life of this man and even the poem he himself had written about Thorfinn at his death. 

Thorfinn had been a Canon and then later was named Bishop. 

As Bishop, Thorfinn had been a witness to the agreement of Tonsburg and 1277 between the Archbishop and King Magnus IV, allowing freedom for The Church. 

King Eric, however, rescinded that agreement essentially making Thorfinn and all Catholics enemies of the state which resulted in great turmoil and conflict. 

Thorfinn and his followers made their way to Flanders, surviving a shipwreck on the way home and from there, went to Rome. 

However, on his return, Thorfin became ill and soon died in the year 1285 but, after his death, there were many miracles attributed to him and his legacy, thanks to Fr. Walter, helped a small Catholic community in Norway survive. 

St. Thorfinn, please pray for us. 

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