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June 5 – The Feast of Saint Boniface

Today is the memorial of Saint Boniface, Bishop and Martyr. Born in England in the late 7th century, Boniface entered a monastery in what is now Essex and began his journey to become a priest. He was ordained at the age of 30. 

In 716, he was asked by Pope Gregory the Second to make his way to Utrecht to help Saint Willebrod, who was bringing Christ to the Netherlands in what is now Germany. In addition to paganism, he found a poorly organized church rife with error and disobedience. 

When called to Rome to explain to the Pope what Boniface found, he was told by the Holy Father to reform the church and sent letters to all of the church leaders and the civil leaders in the areas that Boniface was called to serve. 

Charles Martel, grandfather of Charlemagne, played an especially important role in this effort because his support provided both access and authority to Boniface as he reached out to these communities so thirsty for the Lord. As a regional bishop, Boniface began to have great success. 

In Germany, especially, the church became more unified with a better understanding of the need to follow the lead of the Holy Father. However, as he and 53 companions were preparing a large group of converts in a part of Germany known as Frisia, they were attacked and murdered by thieves on this day in 754. He is the Patron Saint of both Germany and England. 

Saint Boniface, please pray for us.

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