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March 13 – The Feast of St. Leander of Seville

Born around 534 in Spain, all of his siblings were Saints. St. Isidore Seville, St. Florentina and St. Fulgentius. 

But the family was not without its conflicts and they were significant. Arianism was not only tearing at the fabric of Christian communities, it split families and Leander’s father was a powerful supporter of Arianism. 

Leander became a Benedictine Monk but, four years later, was named Bishop of Seville, taking up the fight against Arianism and putting him at odds with the King and his own father. 

He was exiled for a time but when the King died, Leander returned, helping to convert the son of the King who had forced him to leave. 

As Bishop of Seville, Leander was a great leader. He founded a renowned center for learning and instituted a prayer to be said at every mass to remind Catholics what it is they believe and to engage them in their faith. 

That prayer is the Nicene Creed. He died on this day in 600. 

St. Leander, please pray for us.

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