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March 2 – The Feast of St. Angela of the Cross

Born in Spain in 1846, her baptismal name was Maria, and her father, Francisco, and mother, Josepfa, had 14 children. 

Both parents worked at the Trinitarian monastery where her father was a cook and her mother was a laundress. 

When she was sixteen Maria took a job at a shoe factory that was run by a very holy woman who made sure her employees read the lives of the Saints and, each day, said the Rosary. 

In her mid teens she met Fr. Jose Torres who became her spiritual director. Fr. Torres helped her see the needs of the poor and destitute cholera patients who surrounded them, and Maria began to care for them. 

At 19, she tried entering the Discalced Carmelites but was not healthy enough. Then, a few years later, Maria attempted to enter the Daughters of Charity but was rejected for the same reason. 

When she was in her late twenties, Maria was in prayer one day when she had a vision of an empty cross in front of one with Jesus hanging on it and instantly knew the empty cross belonged to her. 

She and three other women left the shoe shop and formed a new community called The Sisters of the Company of The Cross and Maria took the name – “Angela of The Cross”. 

With Fr. Torres as their Director, Agnes and the Sisters lived a contemplative life and cared for the poor. 

The Sisters of the Company of The Cross spread rapidly and Mother Angela would go on to oversee the institution of 23 Convents. 

She died on this day in 1932.

St. Angela of The Cross, please pray for us. 

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