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May 2 – The Feast of St. Athanasius

Born into a Christian family late in the 3rd century in Alexandria Egypt he may have been of Greek descent. 

After becoming secretary to Alexander, the Bishop of Alexandria, he made the decision to become a priest and eventually was named Bishop himself. 

Like his predecessor, Athanasius was a staunch opponent of the Arian heresy and was present at the council of Nicea when the Nicene Creed was adopted. 

Arius and the priests supporting him were condemned but they continued to preach their heresy, winning the support of Emperor Constantine, who exiled Athanasius to northern Gaul. This would be the start of a long battle for Athanasius, as he defended the Divinity of Christ. 

Five times he was sent into exile for opposing those who said Jesus was not Divine. But he never relented. 

In the Eastern Church, he is considered the Father of Orthodoxy and he was the first person to identify the 27 books of the New Testament. 

His biography, The Life of St. Anthony, was fundamental to the establishment of monastic life. 

He died on this day in 373, after consecrating his successor. 

St. Athanasius, please pray for us. 

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