Born in Peru in the late 16th century, he was also born into poverty. The illegitimate son of a Spanish nobleman and Ana Velasquez, a freed slave, his father abandoned them both, leaving Ana alone to raise Martin and his sister.
When he was twelve, Martin became an apprentice to a surgeon who was also a barber, not an uncommon combination in those days. As a result, he learned to care for the sick. In the process, he also began to pray for them, leading Martin into a deep relationship with The Lord at a young age.
He felt called to the priesthood but there were laws at the time that prevented descendents of slaves from joining religious orders and taking vows.
In his humility, Martin asked to be allowed to join the Dominican Priory as a lay helper. For the next eight years, he cut hair, scrubbed floors, and attended to the needs of everyone in the community, greatly impressing the Prior, Fr. Juan de Lorenzana.
When Martin asked the Prior to allowing him to become a professed Brother, he said “yes”.
But, Not all agreed. Other Dominicans treated him severely, calling him names, taunting him, and even disrupting his sleep. Still, Martin persisted in his care for them with humility and love.
At one point when the Priory fell into financial trouble, Martin offered himself for sale as a slave. He was at least spared that cruelty.
In his mid-30s, Martin was put in charge of the infirmary. Over time, many of his fellow Dominicans began to seek his spiritual direction, and one of those, was St. Rose of Lima.
Martin was asked to help support the Priory by raising money. Proving to have a great gift for fundraising, he not only helped the Priory but brought in thousands of dollars for poor girls who had no dowries and wanted to marry, or, enter the convent.
He died on this day in 1639.
St. Martin de Porres, please pray for us.