Born in 658 AD in north Umbia which is now northern England, Wiilibrord grew up under the influence of The Bishop of York and joined the Benedictines.
Between the ages of twenty and thirty two he studied at The Abbey on Rath Melsigi in Ireland which, at the time, was a great center of learning.
St. Ecgberth sent Willibrord and about a dozen other missionaries to an area on the North Sea coast twice. Willibrord traveled from there to Rome to get official permission from The Pope to spread the Gospel and organize the region with an official Church structure. During his second visit with Pope Sergius, he was made Bishop.
Around the year 700, Willibrod established The Abbey of Echternach and went on to build many Churches.
However, when Radbod became King he burned several of these Churches and killed many of the missionaries.
When Charles Martel gave him protection, Willibrord was able to resume his work and The Church was able to spread all across northern Europe.
After his death, wells located on the route he had once frequented became known as Willibrord wells and their water was said to have provided many miracles.
St. Willibrord, please pray for us.