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October 2 – The Feast of the Guardian Angels

From the Catechism of The Catholic Church, paragraph 336: “Beside each believer stands an Angel as protector and shepherd, leading them to Light.” 

In today’s Gospel, we will hear Jesus advise all of us: “See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven always look upon the Face of my heavenly Father.” 

On September 29th we celebrated The Feast of The Archangels: St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Rafael. 

And so today we honor our own Guardian Angel. Do you know the name of yours? 

Several years ago as I was watching mass on EWTN I heard a homily from a Priest who asked that same question: “Do you know your Guardian Angel’s name, and if not, why? This Angel walks with you and guards you your whole life. You should at least ask for a name. “ 

Well, I had never thought of that. So, I prayed and got the names of the Guardian Angels for my entire family and, for my son, Chris, I got the name Albert. 

But, after a few days, I began to have doubts so, while I was in the Adoration Chapel, I looked up Albert in Butler’s Book of Saints and found many Alberts, so I just picked one. Saint Albert of Jerusalem. 

Now, when my son, Chris, was about three he had a word he used: Bobbio. We’d be driving and he’d use this word: “Oh, there’s a Bobbio. I see a Bobbio!” 

Well we didn’t know what a Bobbio was until one day, at an intersection in Huntington, WV, my wife looked next to us and said: “Mike, I know what a Bobbio is”. It was a Volkswagen Beetle. 

So, as I was reading about St. Albert of Jerusalem in the Adoration Chapel to try and, in some way, verify Albert as the name I’d gotten for Chris’ Guardian Angel, I came across this about St. Albert of Jerusalem. In 1184, he was the Bishop, of Bobbio, Italy. 

Angel of God, my Guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here, ever this day be at my side to light, to guard, to rule and guide. 

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