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December 31 – The Feast of St. Pope Sylvester

Born in southern Italy in the 3rd century, his father, Rufinus, was a Roman and he grew up to be a priest. 

In 313 the Edict of Milan at last brought peace to the long-suffering Christians and officially ended Roman persecution by permanently tolerating the Christian religion. 

Sylvester was elected to the Papacy the very next year becoming the first Pope to reign in complete liberty. 

His leadership was crucial to Rome’s transition into the Christian era and began with the construction of the great Constantinian Basilicas, including the Basilica of St. Peter which he had built over a temple to Apollo. 

Pope Sylvester also collaborated with Constantine to build the Basilica of St. John Lateran, the Basilica of St. Paul, the Church of St. Martin, and The Basilica of The Holy Cross in Jerusalem. 

His faith was so respected that his contemporaries labeled him as a “confessor”: someone who was not a martyr but lived a life totally devoted to Christ. 

It’s not clear whether Pope Sylvester attended the Council of Nicea in 325, but we do know that he played a key role in the development of The Church Liturgy. 

He died in in 335.

St. Pope Sylvester, please pray for us. 

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