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July: Dedicated to the Precious Blood

The sacred mystery of the Blood of Christ shed for humanity permeates the whole of the Catholic Faith and is worthy of our attentive meditation and deepest adoration.

Updated: July 22, 2024
the precious blood

In the month of July, the Church turns our attention to the Precious Blood of Jesus, in all its power and symbolic richness. This month offers a time for reflection, gratitude, and adoration of the Blood of Christ poured out on the cross for the redemption of the world. 

The Precious Blood is part of the Sacred Humanity of Jesus, truly united with the Second Person of the Trinity. The sacred mystery of the Blood of Christ shed for humanity permeates the whole of the Catholic Faith and is worthy of our attentive meditation and deepest adoration. Let’s look at the history of the Precious Blood devotion, hear what the saints have to say, and consider some practical steps we can take to increase our understanding of its power in our lives. 

Why is July Dedicated to the Precious Blood?

Devotion to the Most Precious Blood by the saints and the faithful dates back to the beginnings of the Church. We read in Sacred Scripture many verses that honor the blood of Christ as the source of our salvation. Saint Peter writes, You know that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your fathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot.” (1 Peter 1:19) 

The Most Precious Blood became a focus for Pope Pius IX while he was in exile during the Italian War for Independence. The Pope understood the great need for God’s intervention and instituted the Feast of the Most Precious Blood to be celebrated in July 1849. The purpose was to call upon assistance from Heaven to end the war. Soon after the formal institution of the feast, the war ended and the Pope returned to Rome, his prayers having been answered. Eventually, the entire month of July became dedicated to the Most Precious Blood. 

The Church, therefore, encourages all the faithful to honor and recognize with particular attention during the month of July the blood of Jesus shed for us during His passion and crucifixion. Being reminded of the tremendous sacrifice of Our loving Savior in the Masses and prayers of this month, we are moved to express deep gratitude to God for the saving power of His blood and the gift of salvation it has merited.  

Key Catholic Feast Days in July

July is a month rich in liturgical celebrations. Below is a list of a few notable feast days. 

The Feast of the Most Precious Blood, on July 1, begins the monthly devotion.

The Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, on July 3rd honors the doubting disciple who placed his hand into the wounds of Jesus and then proclaimed Him as Lord and God. 

The Feast of St. Maria Goretti, on July 6, commemorates the brief life of Maria Goretti, who suffered martyrdom, shedding her blood for the faith at age 11.

The Feast of St. Mary Magdalene, on July 22, honors the woman whose love for Christ was so immense that she forsook all to follow Him in His passion, remaining at the foot of the cross with Our Lady and Saint John. 

The Feast of St. Bridget of Sweden on July 23, commemorates the mystic who was particularly devoted to Christ in His passion. Our Lord revealed to St. Bridget the number of wounds He sustained and gave her the well-known 15 prayers to honor them. 

Catholic Saints and the Precious Blood

Numerous saints have held a deep devotion to the Precious Blood, among them are St. Catherine of Siena, St. John Chrysostom, and St. Gaspar del Bufalo.

St. Catherine of Siena wrote about the Precious Blood of Jesus in her Dialogue—a written account of her mystical visions. She always began her letters to bishops, cardinals, and popes with the greeting, “I address you in the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ.” 

The Constant Prayer of St. Catherine of Siena is recited as:

“Precious Blood, Ocean of Divine Mercy: Flow upon us! Precious Blood, Most pure Offering: Procure us every Grace! Precious Blood, Hope and Refuge of sinners: Atone for us! Precious Blood, Delight of holy souls: Draw us! Amen.”

St. John Chrysostom wrote the following tribute to the Precious Blood

“This blood, when worthily received, drives away demons and puts them at a distance from us, and even summons to us angels and the Lord of angels. This blood, poured out in abundance, has washed the whole world clean. This is the price of the world; by it Christ purchased the Church.”

St. Gaspar del Bufalo, 19th-century priest and founder of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood, was called “the world’s greatest apostle of the devotion to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus,” by Pope John XXIII. St. Gaspar spent his life preaching to the poor and working class, spreading devotion among the faithful and many converts to the Precious Blood of Jesus. He had such a fervent love and reverence for the Precious Blood that it fueled all his tireless endeavors. Convinced that adoration of the Precious Blood held the power to take a soul from spiritual infancy to the heights of union with Christ, he exclaimed,  

“Jesus has given us His Blood even to the last drop. What is there left to do? Jesus is a victim. Behold I am ready, O my God, to be a victim of love!” 

 In his missionary spirit, he expressed his deepest desire: 

“I wish that I could have a thousand tongues, to endear every heart to the Precious Blood of Jesus.”

6 Ways to Grow in Devotion to the Precious Blood this July

Here are a few steps we can take to increase our love and reverence for the Precious Blood and grow in awareness of its power in our lives. 

  1. Attend daily Mass and receive the Holy Eucharist, the Body and Blood of The Lord.
  2. Meditate on the seven accounts in Sacred Scripture that Jesus shed His blood for us: Circumcision, Agony in the garden, Scourging at the pillar, Crowning of thorns, Carrying of the Cross, Crucifixion, and Piercing of His side.
  3. Make a sacrifice for others each week. Our Lord willingly shed His blood, laying down His life for us. We can imitate Him by laying down our will, plans, or comfort to serve our neighbor. In that way, we follow Jesus in His sacrifice and show Him tangible love. 
  4. Memorize Scripture verses that mention the Precious Blood: 

Romans 5:9: “Since, therefore, we are now justified by his blood, much more shall we be saved by him from the wrath of God.” 

Ephesians 2:13: “But now in Christ Jesus, you who once were far off have been brought near in the blood of Christ.” 

1 John 1:7: “[I]f we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.” 

  1. Pray a litany, chaplet, or offering of Reparation to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus.
  2. Say this short prayer throughout the day to continually remind yourself of your salvation: “Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, save us and the whole world!”

Further Reading on the Precious Blood

Several books provide valuable insights for those interested in deepening their understanding of this devotion. 

  • Devotion to the Precious Blood, by the Benedictine Convent of Clyde Missouri. Readers will learn the infinite value of the Precious Blood and how to offer It to the Father to atone for sins and obtain all graces and blessings for themselves and others.
  • Devotion to the Precious Blood, by Rev. M.F. Walz, originally published in 1925, provides instruction and numerous meditations for this devotion. 
  • The Passion of Christ Through the Eyes of Mary, St. Anselm of Canterbury and others. Stirring private revelations of Christ’s passion and death wherein Christ’s Blood was completely emptied for our salvation. 

Prayers Honoring the Precious Blood

There are several prayers dedicated to honoring the Precious Blood in the Catholic tradition. These prayers honor the Precious Blood:

Litany of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus A prayer listing the attributes, power, and benefits of the Precious Blood and asking for salvation.

Chaplet of the Most Precious Blood A meditation of the shedding of Christ’s blood prayed on the Rosary beads.


The dedication of July to the Precious Blood of Jesus provides an opportunity to contemplate the depth of God’s love for us in making the ultimate sacrifice to redeem us and win back for us the hope of eternal life. As we honor the Precious Blood of Jesus in union with the Church this month, may it awaken in our hearts a deeper love and gratitude for this magnanimous gift, and produce within us a longing to return His love through a life of virtue and sacrifice.


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